Measurement of the atomic lifetime of Kr ii 5p4D7/2oand Xe ii 6p4D5/2ousing the cascade-photon-coincidence technique

A high-efficiency cascade-photon-coincidence lifetime-measuring apparatus has been used to study the 5d 4 F9/2→5p 4 D7/2o→5s 4 P5/2 cascade in Kr i i and the 6d 4 F7/2→6p 4 D5/2o→6s 4 P3/2 cascade in Xe i i. A neutral atomic beam was excited and ionized by electron impact, and the spontaneously emitted photons were collected by an ellipsoidal mirror and detected by fast photomultipliers provided with narrow-band interference filters. The spectrum of time delays was acquired by a time-to-amplitude converter and multichannel pulse-height analyzer. The lifetime of the Kr i i 5p 4 D7/2o state was found to be 7.004±0.053 ns. This is in agreement with two previous high-precision measurements and represents an improvement in precision by a factor of 3.6. The Xe i i 6p 4 D5/2o lifetime was found to be 9.494±0.067 ns. This result agrees with several measurements of lower accuracy, but is in clear disagreement with two previous measurements claiming high precision, which disagree with each other as well.