Effect of Some Formulated Insecticides on Pollen Germination in Tomato and Petunia1

The germination of petunia and tomato pollen on artificial media was completely inhibited by topical applications of naled 58% EC formulated at 1000 ppm actual material. Reduction in the germination and tube elongation of pollen was caused by 1000 ppm of EC formulations of parathion 80%, azinphosmethyl 50%, dicofol 18.5%, endosulfan 24%, dichlorvos 41.4% and wp formulations of DDT 50%, azinphosmethyl 22%, and Gardona® 75%, (2-chloro-I-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) vinyl dimethyl phosphate). The carbamate pesticides carbaryl 80% WP, and methomyl 30% EC and 90% sp had little or no deleterious effect upon pollen. Xylene at 1000 ppm was also noninjurious to pollen.

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