Immunochemistry of cartilage proteoglycan. Immunodiffusion and gel-electrophoretic studies

Cartilage proteoglycan is thought to be composed of subunits, core proteins with covalently attached sulphated polysaccharide side chains, which form aggregates by non-covalent association with a link protein. The new technique of non-disruptive extraction followed by fractionation in caesium chloride gradients provides a useful means of preparing relatively pure proteoglycan aggregate, subunit and link fractions. Immunological studies of these fractions led to the identification of an antigen associated with the proteoglycan subunit which was common to several species and to the demonstration of additional species-specific antigens in aggregate and link fractions derived from bovine nasal cartilage. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis with sodium dodecyl sulphate of bovine proteoglycan aggregate and link fractions gave two protein bands in the gels and a protein–polysaccharide band at the origin; subunit fractions gave only the band at the origin. These results are consistent with the current concept of cartilage proteoglycan structure.