The Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Emphysema (II)

The most important primary cause of generalized pulmonary emphysema is in all probability the loss of mechanical stability of the connective tissue framework in the lung parenchyma. The complexity of the interrelations and inter-dependencies between the fibres and the ground substance, leads to the mapping out of a more detailed outline of the vulnerable parts in a similar framework. It is concluded that the junctions especially constitute weak spots. Glycosaminoglycans, glycoproteins and proteoglycans particularly hold a key position as cementing substances. The importance of female sex hormones in the metabolism of the ground substance is indicated. A survey is given of the possible threats to a similar system. An attempt is made to disentangle the multitude of possible pathogenetic pathways which lead to emphysematous disintegration. Perspectives of future emphysema research are discussed on the basis of these considerations. Preventive, protective, and reconstructive measures are proposed.