Uncomplicated Varicose Vein Surgery in the UK – A Postcode Lottery?

INTRODUCTION Recent research confirms that uncomplicated varicose vein surgery provides significant benefits in terms of quality of life compared to conservative treatment at a relatively small cost. There appear to be major variations in indications for treating varicose veins across the UK and this seems to be based mainly on financial restraint imposed by local Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). This survey was aimed at quantifying this variation. MATERIALS AND METHODS An E-mail questionnaire was sent to 245 surgical members of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland across the UK. The main questions asked were aimed at finding out whether surgeons were having any restrictions imposed on them by their local PCTs with regard to treatment of varicose veins. RESULTS A total of 109 surgeons replied (44% response rate). Of these, 64% of surgeons had restrictions set upon them by their local PCTs; however, 62% of surgeons under restrictions still offered surgery for symptomatic uncomplicated varicose veins. Restrictions varied from 100% to 0% across different regions in the UK. CONCLUSIONS Many patients are denied surgical treatment for their symptomatic uncomplicated varicose veins according to where they live in the UK regardless of their symptoms.