Effect of herbicides on cell membrane permeabUity in Lemna minor

Summary: Leakage of electrolytes was the criterion used to study the effects of several herbicides on cell membrane permeability in Lemna minor L. Dinoseb. sodium azide, linuron, prometryne and simazine were the most active in increasing cell membrane permeability, followed by oxyfluorfen, amitrole, and 2,4—D. Glyphosate and dalapon were the least active. In all cases, the longer the period elapsed after treatment (i.e. 96 h) the lower was the concentration needed to alter cell membrane permeability. Light was necessary for oxyfluorfen activity. With glyphosate, dalapon and oxyfluorfen, visible injury symptoms were noted after 48–96 h, but no further significant increase in cell membrane permeability occurred as a result.