Attenuation and dispersion of first sound near the superfluid transition of pressurizedHe4

The attenuation α, the velocity u, and the dispersion D=u(ω)u(0) of first sound have been measured in pressurized liquid He4 (P=0.06, 5.01, 9.21, 15.24, 20.38, 25.46, 29.33 bar) near the superfluid transition. The frequency range was 4.6 kHzω2π1.0 MHz, the temperature range was 1 μK|TTλ|3 mK. From the measured velocities we calculate the thermodynamic velocity u(0), as well as (SP)λ and (VP)λ. The attenuation and the dispersion at constant TλT are only weakly pressure dependent. They are interpreted as arising from a relaxation process occurring only below Tλ, and a fluctuation process occurring on both sides of the λ transition; both contributions have about equal strength. The strength AR of the relaxation process and the amplitude τ0 of the relaxation time τ=τ0tx are independent of pressure to within 10%; (t=|TTλ|Tλ). The latter result seems to be inconsistent with the pressure independence of the correlation-length amplitude ξ0=1.0±0.05 Å (which was confirmed in this work), and the known pressure dependence of the amplitude u2,0 of second-sound velocity, if the relation τ=ξu2 is correct. For T>Tλ, where only critical fluctuations contribute, our absorption and dispersion data for all ω and P can be scaled with functions of ωτ for 102>ωτ>102. This scaling analysis shows that the time τ characterizing the critical order-parameter fluctuations at T>Tλ has the same temperature and pressure dependence as the relaxation time τ at T<Tλ; these two times differ at most by a constant multiplicative factor. Below Tλ, the data are represented by the sum of the contribution represented by the scaling function plus the contribution from order-parameter relaxation. The weak pressure dependence of α and D, and the pressure independence of AR, ξ0, τ0, and τ0 contrasts with the strong concentration dependence of these quantities in He3-He4 mixtures. The scaling functions determined from our data are identical in form to those determined earlier from the mixture data. The frequency dependences of the attenuation and of the dispersion for ωτ1 scale as αω1+y and Dωy, respectively, with y=0.15±0.03.