Oesophageal Reflux Tests, Manometry, Endoscopy, Biopsy, and Radiology in Healthy Subjects

The aim was to study the exposure time of acid during 24 h at two different oesophageal levels in 15 healthy subjects and its relation to other kinds of oesophageal findings. Five centimetres above the lower oesophageal sphincter the total reflux time was 0.2% (0–1.3%), and at the 15-cm level it was 0.1% (0–0.7%). A standardized compression test during manometry and radiologic examination showed that no subject had reflux. Hiatus hernia was provoked at the radiologic examination in four subjects, one of whom also had a widened hiatus. At endoscopy, one subject had a hiatus hernia and slightly granulated oesophageal mucosa. Biopsy specimens showed slight basal cell hyperplasia in one case. Bleeding in the dermal papillae or a few intraepithelial leukocytes were seen in eight cases, findings that might be due to endoscopic trauma. Without any history of gastrointestinal disorders, gastro-oesophageal reflux was minimal under standardized conditions, although hiatus hernia and mild changes in biopsy specimens could be seen.

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