Virus Particles in the Nerve of Remak of Chick Embryos2

Electron microscopy revealed the presence of 2 types of membrane-bounded particles in the nerve of Remak (intestinal nerve) of 17-day chick embryos. One type of particle was exclusively extracellular and its morphology was typical of viruses of the avian leukosis group. Evidence of virus multiplication (budding) was found within the nerve. Virus particles were seen in the nerve of an embryo which was negative in the resistance-inducing factor (RIF) test. Conversely, no morphologic evidence of virus in the nerve was found in embryos naturally or artificially infected with avian leukosis virus. The second type of particle was seen as a cytoplasmic component of neurones. Although these were virus-like in appearance, they differed from leukosis viruses in that the central region could not be resolved into a nucleoid and an intermediate membrane. This type of particle was in the nerve of Remak of all chickens and chick embryos examined, both infected and normal, and resembled published descriptions of neurosecretory granules.