Measurement of the Lamb shift in then=4state ofHe+4

The separated oscillatory field technique was used with a 120-keV He+4 beam to make a zeromagnetic-field measurement of the n=4 Lamb-shift interval in He+4. Excited He+4 ions were created by collisions in a cell filled with N2 gas. The 4S122 state population was monitored by observing its decay to the 2P2 state with a large solid-angle NO photoionization detector. The n=4 to 2 light (121.5 nm) decreased when the microwave field induced transitions from the 4S122 to the 4P122 state. The value obtained for the Lamb shift was 1769.16mp 0.84 MHz. This result agrees satisfactorily with previous measurements and with the theoretical value for this interval. The experimental uncertainty is dominated by systematic effects attributed to the presence of overlapping cascade signals.

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