Ultrastructural and histochemical changes in the murine zona pellucida during the final stages of oocyte maturation prior to ovulation

The ultrastructural morphology of the mouse zona pellucida was studied in preovulatory follicles from the ovaries of immature mice treated with exogenous gonadotrophins. The ovaries were fixed in the presence of cetylpyridinium chloride, which precipitates carbohydrates, so that their loss during fixation and processing is substantially reduced. The semi-thin araldite sections obtained from osmicated material were viewed by conventional light microscopy, while the ultra-thin sections were examined by transmission electron microscopy. A parallel series of semi-thin sections of non-osmicated ovaries was deresined and subsequently stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS). The morphological appearance of the zona pellucida in preovulatory oocytes changed during the final stages of oocyte maturation. A close correlation was observed between the ultrastructural appearance of the zona pellucida and that observed following PAS staining during the period studied. Real differences were observed in the location, density, and distribution of glycoconjugates within the zona pellucida during the final stages of oocyte maturation prior to and immediately following germinal vesicle breakdown. Similar changes in the zona were observed in adult females autopsied during proestrus and oestrus. The changes in the density and distribution of glycoconjugates are likely to have important consequences for fertilization by affecting sperm-zona binding and sperm-egg interactions.