1 The effects have been studied of sodium cromoglycate (SCG), given by aerosol or intravenously, on reflex bronchoconstriction induced by histamine aerosol in the anaesthetized dog. 2 Four breaths of an aerosol generated from a 2% solution of SCG significantly inhibited the vagally mediated increase in total lung resistance (RL) produced by histamine. 3 SCG given intravenously as bolus injections (5–500 μg/kg) produced a dose-dependent reversal of a sustained reflex bronchoconstriction induced by histamine aerosol. Propranolol (500 μg/kg) did not prevent this reversal. 4 SCG did not inhibit the increase in RL produced by supramaximal electrical stimulation of a vagus nerve. 5 The possibility is discussed that SCG may reduce the activity of lung irritant receptors in the anaesthetized dog.