Accuracy of MR phase contrast velocity measurements for unsteady flow

The accuracy of MR phase contrast (PC) velocity measurements for unsteady flow has been quantitatively assessed. Spatially resolved velocity fields were measured in a long straight tube using a gated PC technique. and the resulting MR PC velocity data were compared with velocities derived from the analytic Womeraley solution to the Navier-Stokes equations governing fluid flow. The overall root-meansquare (rms) difference between the measured and analytic velocities was 1.6 cm s−1 for nominally sinusoidal flow waveforms with peak velocities ranging from 51.6 cm s−1 to 59.8 cm s−1 This rms difference corresponded to 7.5% of the mean fluid velocity, which is similar to the cited accuracy of approximately 5% for MR PC velocimetry for steady flows. Linear regression between the PC velocity measurements and the velocities obtained using the analytic expression was highly significant (r2 = 0.997) and yielded a slope of 0.998, close to the expected value of 1. We conclude that the gated MR PC velocity measurements in unsteady flow are accurate.