The Prophylactic Use–or Misuse–of Antibiotics in Transurethral Prostatectomy

Non-infected patients (100) undergoing transurethral prostatectomy were randomized prospectively into a controlled study to determine the influence of a prophylactic aminoglycoside (kanamycin) on the clinical course. In the non-risk patient, prophylactic kanamycin had no beneficial influence on the incidence of bacteriuria, fever or length of hospitalization. Its use was associated with the development of a resistant Pseudomonas superinfection in 1 patient. Prophylactic kanamycin did not protect the patient with carcinoma of the prostate from bacteriuria. There was no identifiable advantage in the use of routine prophylactic kanamycin in the uninfected, non-risk patient who was undergoing elective transurethral prostatectomy.