Control of Mixed Brush with Tebuthiuron

Tebuthiuron pellets, 10 or 20% active ingredient, aerially applied at 2.24 kg/ha active ingredient resulted in excellent control of whitebrush [Aloysia lycioides], spiny hackberry [Celtis pallida] and Berlandier wolfberry [Lycium berlandieri var. berlandieri] in South Texas [USA] mixed brush. At 2.24-3.36 kg/ha active ingredient, the herbicide appears promising for control of lotebush [Condalia obtusifolia], blackbrush acacia [Acacia rigidula], ceniza [Leucophyllum frutescens], Texas colubrina [Colubrina texensis], javalinabrush [Microrhamnus ericoides], guajillo [A. berlandieri], guayacan [Porlieria angustifolia], desert yaupon [Ilex vomitoria], and twisted acacia [A. tortuosa]. Rates of 3.36-4.48 kg/ha active ingredient, applied as tebuthiuron pellets, appeared promising on huisache [A. farnesiana] but only partially controlled honey mesquite [Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa]. Tebuthiuron was ineffective on lime pricklyash [Zanthoxylum fagara], Texas persimmon [Diospyros texana], pricklypear [Opuntia spp.] and tasajillo [O. leptocaulis].