Differential Antibody Responses to Rubella Virus Infection in Males and Females

Specificitiesof human rubella virus (RV)-specificIgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies for RV structural proteins (envelope El and E2 and capsid) and an El domain represented by a synthetic peptide (BCH-178)weredetermined by immunoblot and ELISA techniques in sera from rubellainfected individuals. Sequential sera were obtained from 67 females and 32 males during acute and convalescent infection phases. Males and females had differences in all antibody classes, especially during the early acute infection phase. At no time during follow-up were 19Aanti-E2 antibodies detected in males, in contrast to the case in females. Significantly lower levelsofIgG antibody directed to E2 were also observed in males. Males had earlier onset of El-specific IgG and IgM antibodies with a greater proportion of total RV antibody response directed to El (IgG) or El peptide (IgM). These differences suggest there are hormonal and genetic influences on immune recognition ofRV proteins that may be related to the increased incidenceof rubella-associated arthropathy in females.

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