Identification of G6PDH-active sinusoidal cells as Kupffer cells in the rat liver

The aim of this study was to identify the G6PDH-active sinusoidal cells in the rat liver described by Rieder et al. (1978). Because of their number and distribution in the liver parenchyma, endothelial cells and pit cells could be excluded. Fat-storing cells were specifically marked by vital staining with vitamin A and identified by fluorescence microscopy. Kupffer cells could be detected after vital staining with carmine. Both staining methods allowed a subsequent incubation for the demonstration of G6PDH activity in the same unfixed cryostat section. Whereas more than 80% of the fluorescent particles were found outside the enzyme-positive cells, all G6PDH-active cells contained carmine particles. After counting the G6PDH-active cells, an estimation of 0.217 × 108 cells/g liver tissue was obtained. The results indicate that high G6PDH activity is common to all Kupffer cells, and is therefore a highly specific marker enzyme for this class of sinusoidal liver cells.