Fabrication and electroluminescence of double-layered organic light-emitting diodes with the Al2O3/Al cathode

The effects of a controlled Al 2 O 3 buffer layer on the behavior of highly efficient vacuum evaporated aqua regia-treated indiumtin oxide (ITO)/triphenyl diamine (TPD)/8-tris-hydroxyquino-line aluminum Alq 3 /Al 2 O 3 /Al light-emitting diodes are described. It is found that, with a buffer layer of suitable thickness, both current injection and electroluminescence output are significantly enhanced. The enhancement is believed to be due to increased charge carrier density near the TPD/Alq 3 interface that results from enhanced electron tunneling, and removal of exciton-quenching gap states that are intrinsic to the Alq 3 /Al interface.