The multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock method of Saha, Pindzola, and Compton [Phys. Rev. A 38, 128 (1988)] applied to photoionization of atoms has been extended in order to consider elastic scattering of electrons from neon atoms. The dynamical polarization and the electron-correlation effects, which are very important in this case, have been taken into account more accurately in the ab initio method through the configuration-interaction procedure. Phase shifts, and differential, integral, and momentum-transfer cross sections for electrons elastically scattered from neon atoms are reported for the impact-energy range from 0.136 to 70 eV. The calculated results are compared with experimental and other theoretical results. It is found that the present multiconfigurational self-consistent-field method yields high-quality results which show excellent agreement with experiment and compare well with other theoretical results.