The prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders and the thyroid status of the population were studied in an endemic goitre area in Algeria. After oral administration of lipiodol (0.5 ml), three treated groups of mother-newborn couples were compared to an untreated group: group A, mothers treated 1-3 months before conception; group B, mothers treated during the first month of pregnancy; group C, mothers treated during the third month of pregnancy. Untreated mothers were used as a control (group D). After lipiodol treatment, all newborn babies and mothers were clinically euthyroid. All tested newborn babies were full term and no goitre was observed in the four groups. In the mothers, goitre prevalence and thyrotrophin levels decreased significantly, whereas maternal milk and urinary iodine and serum-free thyroxine levels were significantly higher after treatment. The rate of prematurity, stillbirths and abortions in the treated groups was reduced when compared to the untreated group, whereas placental and birth weights were significantly higher. In group D two cases of neonatal hypothyroidism were detected. Their re-evaluation confirmed that hypothyroidism was transient. Groups A, B and C were statistically different from group D with regard to neonatal thyrotrophin and thyroxine. Positive correlations were found between neonatal thyroxine and birth weights and placental weights on the one hand, and maternal urinary iodine and free thyroxine on the other. Consequently, these data indicate that oral administration of lipiodol before or during the first trimester of pregnancy normalizes thyroid function in newborn babies and mothers, increases placental and birth weight and reduces the frequency of iodine deficiency disorders.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)