The blood plasma of A. nigra was characterized with regard to pH, salinity and UV-visible absorption [VAS]. Whole blood of A. nigra was characterized with regard to cell count, cellular volume, Hb (Fe) content and Va content. Blood cell types were examined, categorized and differentially counted. EPR and NMR studies proved that trivalent Va was present. Staining of whole blood slides with OsO4 reagent identified the Va-carrying cells as being mainly the green globular blood cells. The observed UV-VAS does not correlate well with known Va(III) complex spectra. Density separation of blood cells coupled with various cell morphologies suggest that different cells may represent different maturational stages in a developmental process. Va analyses of layerings of cells of different densities suggest that Va may be present in more than 1 type of blood cell, where, when not present as Va(III), it would be present in the diamagnetic, pentavalent oxidation state.