Light reflectance (R) and chlorophyll (chl) were measured on leaves of three pairs of isolines of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. [H. sativum, Pers.]) to learn if differences in chl concentration among the lines could be photographically detected for remote sensing purposes. Photographs of the plants were taken with Kodak Ektachrome MS Aerographic 2448 (conventional color [CC]) and Kodak Aerochrome Infrared 2443 (CIR) films.Clorophyll concentrations of the six barley lines were negatively correlated (r −0.87, p = 0.05) with spectrophotometrically measured light reflectance R at the green peak of the 550‐nm wavelength. Golden Liberty had the lowest total chl and the highest R. Liberty and Betzes had the second and third highest chl concentrations (6.70 and 5.65 mg, respectively) and had the lowest R of all lines. Golden Liberty and Betzes had a lower concentration of chl b relative to chl a than the other lines.Optical count readings made with a densitometer on CC and CIR transparencies were positively correlated with chl concentrations (p = 0.05, 0.88, 0.87, 0.94, and 0.94 for CC film + no filter, CC film + green filter, CIR film + no filter, and CIR film + green filter, respectively).Discrimination among barley lines was better on CIR than on CC films. With CIR film, highest readings (97.0, no filter and 98.7, green filter) were obtained with Compana, and lowest readings (47.1, no filter and 46.6, green filter) were obtained with golden Liberty.

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