Successful Implementation of a Novel Internet Hybrid Surgery Curriculum

The internet CD-ROM thoracic surgery (TS) e-learning system was implemented in 2001 as a prospective randomized trial testing resident acceptance and educational impact of a unique web-based curriculum system on prematriculated TS residents. The Prerequisite Curriculum (PRC) contains 75 segments organized with textbook and case-based navigational systems. Web-based technology tracked the PRC use for each resident. Of 142 residents, 138 thoracic surgery residents matching in 2001 for 2002 matriculation participated in a prospective randomized trial comparing the PRC system to a control group. Two sets of in-training exams, as well as resident and faculty knowledge/performance surveys, were used from July 2001 through January 2004 for ongoing, blinded multidimensional evaluation. Most residents (55/69) responded to the written prematriculation surveys and indicated they used the PRC (43/55), averaging 1.45 hours weekly. The PRC was rated as easy to use (8.3/10), a valuable study guide (7.7/10), and superior to traditional texts and journals for preresidency preparation (7.9/10). Web-based tracking revealed that 47/69 actually used the PRC. Sessions averaged 23.3 minutes with an average of 148 sessions over the prematriculation year. The in-training exam performance when evaluated at 1 and 9 months into the TS residency revealed a positive correlation between examination performance and PRC use. After TS residency matriculation, the self-evaluated knowledge and performance satisfaction scores were superior among PRC users in all categories. Simultaneous TS faculty evaluations of the same resident groups demonstrated smaller, but significant group differences. The implementation of the TS PRC has been exciting and successful. Future multidisciplinary curricular progress will hopefully continue to build upon this e-learning strategy.