Aluminum effects on uptake and translocation of nitrogen in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor, L. Moench)

The effects of aluminum on the uptake and translocation of N in two hybrid cultivars of sorghum with differential tolerance to aluminum were studied. Aluminum decreased the amount of N accumulated and the % of N in the aerial parts of the plants. In the roots the amount of N accumulated also decreased but the % of N increased, in both cultivars. Besides an effect on dry matter yield, Al probably reduces the uptake of N and its translocation to the aerial parts of the plant. Apparently, this impairment on N translocation resulted from Al effects on the root pressure. Aluminum not only reduced the amount of N translocated but also changed the sap composition. The % of NO3 ‐N decreased while the % of amino acid‐N increased suggesting an Al effect on N uptake and also on protein degradation. Asparagine and glutamine contributed about 80% of the free amino acid fraction; however, their proportions changed in presence of Al. Therefore, Al also interfered with the synthesis and/or interconversion of these amino acids.