This project was undertaken to study the histochemical alkaline phosphatase (AP; EC localizations in the spiral valve of adult and developing skates (Raja binoculata). Secondly, it was decided to determine if spiral valve AP isozymes, separated by disc electrophoresis, are altered during spiral valve differentiation.The histochemical localization of AP in the adult spiral valve is similar to that observed in the intestines of other vertebrates. Enzyme activity was found in brush borders and the Golgi zone of the epithelial cells, as well as in the lamina propria. The developing spiral valves showed an accumulation of enzyme in some areas and a depletion at other sites with advancing differentiation.Spiral valve AP banding patterns do change during morphological differentiation of the organ. It appears that one electrophoretic zone, present alone in early stages, loses activity upon completion of spiral valve morphological differentiation with the formation of the villi. Each isozyme becomes demonstrable at different developmental stages.