Effects of Moderate and High Doses of Alcohol on Carotid Atherogenesis

The role of alcohol consumption on pathophysiology of atherosclerosis is not completely well established. Past studies were conducted with different methodological approaches, sometimes leading to opposing conclusions. The aim of this study was to determine the weight of alcohol intake on carotid atherosclerosis in a group of subjects asymptomatic for cardio-cerebrovascular diseases. They were examined by ultrasonographic assessment during the period 1993 through 1997. Common risk factors of atherosclerosis and drinking habit were assessed by a standardized questionnaire. In this survey we confirm the J-shaped relationship between atherosclerosis and alcohol consumption. The effect of alcohol intake is more evident if we consider the presence of multiple internal carotid stenosis, or those greater than 25%, as outcome variables. These effects are independent from the other risk factors included in logistic regression paradigms (age, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, family history of cardio-cerebrovascular disease, smoking and social status). Our study supported that a high level of alcohol intake plays a role as an independent factor in carotid atherogenesis.