A global model of protostellar bipolar outflow -- II

This paper presents synthetic 13COJ= 1→0 line profiles, radio maps of total red and blueshifted intensity, and channel maps computed for the virial-isothermal and radiation-dominated bipolar outflow models presented in Paper I of this series. This imaging technique allows us to directly compare our model with radio maps of real outflow sources. We find that our line profiles are similar to real profiles in both amplitude and shape. In particular, high-velocity wing emission is clearly found in the outflow region. Maps of total integrated red and blueshifted intensity are found to be dominated by the low-velocity circulation component of our solution, which comprises the bulk of the material. Velocity-resolved channel mapping reveals the detailed radio structure of the outflow and jet regions. These images clearly demonstrate the velocity dependence of the outflow opening angle as described in Paper I; collimation of the radio jet increases with velocity. We also show that the radio jet appears to be accelerating away from the protostar at some inclination angles. This is a projection effect which we explain by the structure of the jet region and the mapping geometry. At high inclination angles, our channel maps reveal a well-defined rotating torus surrounding the protostar. Confusion effects are examined by computing line profiles and maps both for solutions in vacuo and for solutions that are smoothly merged with an extended spherical region of constant density and temperature.

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