Comparison of some TLD dosimetry systems

The application of thermoluminescent dosimetry has become more and more common in clinical practice. Several dosimetry systems have been introduced on the market lately. Four of such TLD (thermoluminescent dosimetry) systems have been installed for some time in our hospital, so that a comparison could be made between them. Since some systems were specially designed for the use of phosphors from the same manufacturer both analysers as well as the phosphors have been investigated. In our hospital we were interested in the use of TLD in the measurement of gonadal doses. Therefore data have been gathered primarily in the low dose region. In our opinion in this way both the phosphors and the readers are tested most heavily. The Harshaw model 2000 thermoluminescence analyser (The Harshaw Chemical Company, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.) was used as one of the instruments. Since no Harshaw LiF chips were available at that time a planchet was constructed suitable for the use of CaSO4 (Dy) phosphors embedded in Teflon and delivered by Teledyne (Webb, Dauch and Bodin, 1972). An advantage of the Harshaw analyser is the availability of signal outputs allowing glow-curves to be recorded when an X-Y recorder is used. Since the Harshaw reader was in our hospital for a short time, only a few measurements could be performed.