Our recent studies have detailed the generation of B cell hybridomas whose IgG product significantly inhibits interleukin 2 (IL-2)-dependent T cell replication. Given the capacity of such hybridoma antibody to interfere with the activity of mouse, rat, and human IL-2, we asked whether anti-IL-2 IgG would mediate similar inhibitory effects on other in vitro immune responses. In this communication, we report that addition of purified anti-IL-2 monoclonal antibody to either mitogen- or alloantigen-stimulated spleen cells exerted markedly deleterious effects on both resultant T cell proliferation and the generation of cytolytic effector cells. These results provide serological evidence in support of the integral role that IL-2 plays in controlling antigen/mitogen-induced T cell proliferation and serves further to define the ability of monoclonal antibody against IL-2 to function as an immunosuppressive agent.