Chromatin Remodeling by the T Cell Receptor (Tcr)-β Gene Enhancer during Early T Cell Development

Gene targeting studies have shown that T cell receptor (TCR)-β gene expression and recombination are inhibited after deletion of an enhancer (Eβ) located at the 3′ end of the ∼500-kb TCR-β locus. Using knockout mouse models, we have measured, at different regions throughout the TCR-β locus, the effects of Eβ deletion on molecular parameters believed to reflect epigenetic changes associated with the control of gene activation, including restriction endonuclease access to chromosomal DNA, germline transcription, DNA methylation, and histone H3 acetylation. Our results demonstrate that, in early developing thymocytes, Eβ contributes to major chromatin remodeling directed to an ∼25-kb upstream domain comprised of the Dβ-Jβ locus regions. Accordingly, treatment of Eβ-deleted thymocytes with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A relieved the block in TCR-β gene expression and promoted recombination within the Dβ-Jβ loci. Unexpectedly, however, epigenetic processes at distal Vβ genes on the 5′ side of the locus and at the 3′ proximal Vβ14 gene appear to be less dependent on Eβ, suggesting that Eβ activity is confined to a discrete region of the TCR-β locus. These findings have implications with respect to the developmental control of TCR-β gene recombination, and the process of allelic exclusion at this locus.