High power uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes

Photoresponse characteristics of InP-InGaAs UTC-PDs and their potential as high power devices are discussed. A fabricated UTC-PD with an InGaAs absorption-layer thickness W A of 220 nm and a collection-layer depletion thickness W C of 300 nm yielded high pulse-photocurrent up to 184 mA with an associated FWHM of 4.8 ps for a junction area of 40 μm 2 . A comparison of the optical RF response between UTC-PDs and conventional pin PDs has shown higher output capability of the UTC-PD at low bias Author(s) Ishibashi, T. NTT Photonics Labs., Kanagawa, Japan Fushimi, Hiroshi ; Ito, H. ; Furuta, T.