Evaluation of Strut Strength in Open‐Cell Ceramics

The strength of cellular materials is dependent on the strength of the solid making up the cellular structure, but this parameter is often difficult to quantify. In order to better evaluate these materials, a technique has been developed to measure the strength ofthe cell struts in open‐cell ceramics. The strut strength was measured in two commercially available, open‐cell ceramics and evaluated in terms of a two parameter Weibull distribution. The strut strength distribution was found to be very wide with the Weibull modulusin the range 1 to 3. In addition, it was found that the strut strength was invariant withdensity (at constant cell size) but could be dependent on cell size. This behavior was inqualitative agreement with the failure statistics of brittle materials, once the variations in the microstructural geometry are understood. Based on these data and the observations of flaws within the struts, it is clear that careful processing of these materials could significantly improve the strut strength distribution, in terms of reducing its width and increasing its magnitude. Such microscopic improvements would lead to similar benefits in the strength and toughness of the bulk cellular ceramics.

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