Infection with N. gonorrhoeae stimulates the production of antibodies to many common, species-specific, and type-specific antigens. The L-antigen is an envelop antigen and antibodies to it could be demonstrated by various methods in more than 90% of the patients after the first 10 days of infection. Serologic tests are not yet available in the United States. If and when they become available, they may be recommended for: (1) Screening asymptomatic men and women, (2) Use as an adjunct diagnostic tool in cases of prostatitis, arthritis, disseminated gonococcal infection, and pelvic inflammatory disease, (3) Use (alone or in conjunction with culture) when specimens must be mailed to a central laboratory, when mailing conditions do not allow for incubation within 24–48 hr, or when proper media and qualified bacteriologists are not available.