The wall of the receptaculum seminis of Thermobia domestica is composed of numerous glandular units, each with four enveloping cells (denoted 1 to 4) separated by ordinary epithelial cells and associated with a cuticular apparatus. During the moulting periods, which continue to occur in the adult stage, these cells undergo a series of transformations. Just before apolysis there is a dedifferentiation of numerous cytoplasmic organelles, but no mitosis has been observed. When the intima lifts off, the apical system of each glandular unit, i.e. the distal parts of the C2 and C3 cells surrounding the end apparatus, is also eliminated. Then at the apex of each glandular unit, a new ductule is formed in the cavity of which a long ciliary process grows up from cell C1. Finally comes the phase of cuticle formation, i.e., epicuticle for the ductules, epi-and endocuticle for the intima lining the central cavity of the receptaculum. Various cell types participate in secretion of cuticle, the ciliary cells (C1) being responsible for the formation of the porous end apparatus. At ecdysis almost all of the new intima has been secreted and the apical systems are once more differentiated. These transformations are compared with those recently described in other exocrine glands of arthropods, e.g., tegumentary glands and accessory glands of the genital ducts.

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