Cumulative Results in 57 Institutions in Japan

In this study the experiences with carcinomas of the pancreas, ampulla of Vater, terminal comma bile duct, and duodenum found in a series of 3,610 patients collected from 57 major Japanese institutions was compiled over a 26 year period. The results were analyzed as to the success of resectional and palliative surgery for the various lesions. The most common lesion was carcinoma of the head of the pancreas. Unifortunately, only 18.3% of these patients were resectable with a 25.3% mortality. Carcinoma of the body and the tail was the second most frequent lesion, and it also exhibited a low resection rate. Carcinomas of the ampulla and the terminal common bile duct and duodenal regions were the most favorable for resection; usually pancreatoduodenectomy with an overall mortality of 20.8%. As a result of the large number of pancreatectomies performed, there was also a large number of postoperative complications, the most frequent being leakage at an anastomotic line. Hemorrhage also occurred frequently. Distal pancreatectomies were reserved for carcinoma of the body and the tail of the pancreas, and the most common postoperative complication of this procedure was hemorrhage. There were only 45 total pancreatectomies among the 973 resections being performed most frequently in patients with carcinoma of the head of the pancreas. Again, the most frequent postoperative complication was hemorrhage, followed by anastomotic leakage. The long term survivals following resection for these lesions were each poor. The best mean survival time was 22.7 months for carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater. Patients having resections for carcinoma of the head of the pancreas had a mean survival time of 12.3 months. At 5 years there were few survivors and most of them were patients who had undergone resections for carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater.