Retinoic acid controls expression of epidermal transglutaminase at the pre‐translational level

Human epidermal keratinocytes were cultured until sub-confluence in low Ca2+ (0.15 mM) serum-free synthetic MCDB 153 medium. Raising the Ca2+ concentration to 1.15 mM caused an increase in envelope competence as well as plasma membrane associated transglutaminase (TGm) activity. This increase was not observed when the high Ca2+ medium contained retinoic acid. Immunofluorescence studies as well as immunoblotting with the TGm-specific monoclonal antibody B.C1 revealed that retinoic acid inhibits expression of TGm. Isolation and in vitro translation of mRNA with subsequent immunoprecipitation showed that retinoic acid inhibits TGm expression at the pretranslational level.