Misidentification Rate in the Israeli Dairy Cattle Population and Its Implications for Genetic Improvement

The DNA microsatellites can be efficiently used to determine incorrect paternity attribution of cattle without genotyping of dams. Allelic frequencies of the population were determined for 12 microsatellites using the maternal alleles of 102 AI sires. The frequency of the most common microsatellite allele ranged from 0.27 to 0.58. Most loci had at least one allele that was present in only a single individual. Paternity of 9 of 173 cows (5.2%) and 3 of 102 bulls (2.9%) was excluded because putative paternal alleles were not present in progeny for at least one locus. For 4 of the 9 cows and all 3 bulls, exclusion was based on at least two loci. Mean probability of exclusion was 0.85 for cows and 0.99 for bulls. With an assumed cost of US $5 per genotype, a misidentification rate of 5%, and a discount rate of 0.05, additional profit for the Israeli-Holstein breeding program from genotyping 100 test daughters of each young sire becomes positive within 10 yr and reaches nearly US $2.4 million after 20 yr.