U238(n,γ)U239and States ofU239

The high-energy regions of the γ-ray spectra formed by thermal-neutron capture and by average resonance capture were measured with an annihilation-pair Ge(Li) spectrometer. The observed γ-ray lines reveal the presence of many new states in U239, and the intensities of lines in the average resonance-capture spectra establish the parties and limit the spins of the states. The data are entirely consistent with what is expected from the set of single-particle configurations used by Braid et al. to interpret the states of four odd-A curium isotopes - i.e., all states with excitation energies less than 890 keV are interpretable in terms of these configurations, and no unobserved states are predicted. The average widths of E1, M1, and E2 transitions are compared with the results of other experiments and with theory. The average E1 and M1 widths are consistent with what is expected, but the average E2 width is unusually large. The unusual strength of one E1 transition is discussed. The relationship between the branching ratios for thermal-neutron capture and for resonance capture is discussed in an appendix.