Wideband indoor channel measurements and BER analysis of frequency selective multipath channels at 2.4, 4.75, and 11.5 GHz

Results from propagation measurements, conducted in an indoor office environment at 2.4, 4.75, and 11.5 GHz, are presented. The data were obtained in small clusters of six measurements, using a coherent wideband measurement system. The channel characteristics for the three frequencies are compared by evaluating path loss, rms delay spread, and coherence bandwidth. An analytical model for evaluation of the bit-error rate (BER) of the stationary frequency selective indoor channel is developed for a coherent binary phase shift keying (BPSK) receiver, based on the complex impulse response of the channel. Computational BER results are obtained for data rates up to 50 Mb/s, using the measured multipath channel impulse responses. The BER results for a number of clusters are presented and compared for the maximum reliable data rate as inferred by the measured rms delay spread of the channel.