Genetic analysis of a large autosomal region inCaenorhabditis elegansby the use of a free duplication

Summary: In this paper we describe the use of a free duplication,sDp2(I;f), for the recovery, maintenance, and analysis of mutations defining essential genes in the left third of Linkage GroupIofCaenorhabditis elegans. The lethals were induced in a strain of genotype (sDp2) + /dpy-5+unc-13/dpy-5 unc-15+, using either 12 mM ethylmethane sulphonate or 1500 r of gamma radiation. Lethal mutations linked to thedpy-5 unc-13chromosome were recognized by the absence of Dpy-5 Unc-13 individuals amongst the self progeny and were maintained by isolating Unc-13 hermaphrodites. These strains – which have two mutant alleles of the essential gene and a wild-type allele on the duplication – are balanced, since crossing-over does not occur betweensDp2and the normal homologues. Using this sytem we have recovered 58 EMS-induced mutations. These have been characterized with regard to map position and complementation. Twenty-nine of the EMS-induced mutations lie to the left ofdpy-5and define 20 complementation groups; 3 were inseparable fromdpy-5and define 3 complementation groups; 21 were to the right and define 17 complementation groups. Among a set of 29 gamma radiation-induced lethal mutations, 17 appear to be single gene mutations or are very small deletions. We estimate that we have identified from one-sixth to one-half of the essential genes in thesDp2region.

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