A new nonlinear driver model for interconnect analysis

Swit thing transient estimation of interconnect is becoming over more importzmt with increasing signal speeds and smaller device sizes. Asymptotic Waveform Evaluation (AWE) is a tecluique which can efficiently and accurately evaluate the response of linear interconnect. A novel modeling technique has been developed to incorporate the effects of nonlinear drivers on that transient response. This technique? based on matching the current waveform of the driving gate, IS load independent. The method yields efficient and accurate results. 1 Motivation With finer feature sizes and higher signal speeds, interconnect may become the ultimate determinant of system performance. Thus it has become necessary to simulate the effects of that interconnect on transient signal propagation. Without loss of generality such problems can be modeled as the analysis of the output of a nonlinear gate which fans out through linear interconnect to feed the inputs of other nonlinear gates. An obvious solution to such a problem is to use a circuit simulator such as SPICE [1] to obtain an accurate approximation to the switching transient waveform. Because of the large size and number of nets that must be analyzed, circuit simulation has become a computationally expensive option. An alternative to circuit simulation is to estimate effects of the interconnect. The delay through an interconnect net serves as a rough estimate of its effect on circuit erformance. $ When the interconnect can be modeled as an R tree, its delay can be estimated with a form of the Elmore 1 delay [2] [3]. The Elmore delay is an estimate of the delay for linear mono