Specific-heat measurements of HoxY1xCo2

We report on specific-heat measurements of (Hox Y1x)Co2 in the temperature range from 1.5 to 60 K. Sharp peaks at the Curie temperature TC and the spin-reorientation temperature Tr characterize the temperature dependence for 0.5≤x≤1. For 0.2≤x≤0.4 the magnetic specific heat Cm indicates spin-glass-like behavior, which appears to be in agreement with freezing phenomena observed in magnetic measurements. From the analysis of the magnetic entropy Sm, we deduce that the induced Co moment can be referred to as itinerant in the sense of the Stoner theory. In the dilute Ho-concentration range, various anomalies are observed as, e.g., an enhancement of the effective electronic specific heat γ and the effective Debye temperature FTHETAD (of about 400% and 100%, respectively) and significant upturns of the Cp/T versus T2 graphs together with a pronounced reduction of the magnetic entropy. These anomalies are discussed in terms of spin fluctuations; the loss of the magnetic entropy for x<0.2 may point to an instability of the Ho moment.