Ovarian Cancer: Early Symptom Patterns

To examine early symptom and diagnostic-seeking experiences of women newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Longitudinal descriptive. Homes of families. Purposive; 19 families were obtained by referrals. Interviews and questionnaires; descriptive analysis. Early symptoms and delays in diagnosis. Families were 88% Caucasian and 12% African American. Almost two-thirds had annual incomes of 25,000 dollars or more. The ages of the patients with cancer ranged from 28-73 years (mean = 56 years). Delay between initial symptoms and diagnosis was mean = 14 weeks. Early symptoms experienced by 95% of women were abdominal bloating, vague abdominal pain and "spots," indigestion problems, fatigue, and urinary problems. Women usually experience a cluster of symptoms, unrecognized and discounted, which delays diagnosis. Pelvic assessments should be reformulated to conceptualize early symptoms, risk factors, and family cancer history as a dynamic, interconnected whole to guide and interpret ovarian health.