Activities of several benzimidazoles and tubulin inhibitors against Giardia spp. in vitro

Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that albendazole is effective against Giardia spp. in vitro and in vivo, prompting an investigation of the effects of several related benzimidazoles (BZs) on the viability of this protozoan parasite. A range of BZs was tested, and their effects were compared with those of a number of microtubule inhibitors. The effects produced by the two types of drugs were markedly similar, namely, trophozoite detachment and distortion of morphology and general structure, indicating a potential antimicrotubule mode of action for BZs. Mebendazole, albendazole, and fenbendazole proved to be among the most effective BZs tested, exhibiting apparent irreversibility. Nocodazole, oxfendazole, and albendazole sulfoxide, among others, produced transient inhibitions only. Further studies are required to evaluate all available BZs and other antigiardial agents to ensure the development of the most effective and safest antigiardial agent possible.