Search for Members of the Two-Phonon Triplets inSe80andKr80

The γ rays emitted in the decay of Br80 have been investigated with Ge(Li) and NaI(Tl) spectrometers. γ rays (relative intensities are in parentheses) of 616.2±0.5(100), 639.2±0.7(3.6), 665.6±0.5(17.2), 704.0±0.7(2.9), 812.0±1.5(0.8), and 1256.4±1.5(1.0) keV have been observed. Coincidence and γγ directional correlation measurements were performed with two NaI detectors, a fast coincidence system, and a multiparameter analyzer to record the data. The coincidence studies indicated levels at 616.2±0.5, 1255.6±0.6, and 1320.2±0.9 keV in Kr80, and 665.6±0.5 and 1477.6±1.6 keV in Se80. The experimental directional correlation coefficients of the 639.2-616.2-keV, 704.0-616.2-keV, and 812.0-665.6-keV cascades are A2=(0.12±0.04), A4=+(0.38±0.10); A2=+(0.38±0.06), A4=+(1.28±0.18); and A2=+(0.29±0.13), A4=+(1.32±0.37), respectively. These values are compatible with spin assignments of 0+ for the 1477.6-keV level in Se80, and of 2+ and 0+ for the 1255.6- and 1320.2-keV Kr80 levels, respectively.