Low-energy total-electron-capture cross sections for fully stripped and H-like projectiles incident on H andH2

Total-electron-capture cross sections are reported for fully stripped and H-like ions of C, N, O, F, and Ne colliding with atomic and molecular hydrogen targets in the energy range 0.188.5 keV/amu. At energies above 3 keV/amu the cross sections are approximately energy independent with magnitudes in the range (47)×1015 cm2, and scale smoothly with projectile charge. Below 3 keV/amu the H-target cross sections for projectiles with even charge are smaller than those for projectiles of odd charge. For the H2-target data, the opposite trend prevails. For those systems where calculations exist, molecular orbital and atomic orbital close-coupling calculations are within 20% of the experimental results except at the lowest energies investigated.