Anatomical mapping was made of the retinal central pathways from the chiasm to the targets within the tectum in the developing Xenopus tadpoles, after labeling a specific regional population of retinal axons with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In the tadpoles at stage 50, pathway sorting of retinal axons within the optic tract was clear for the dorsoventral axis of the retina, but not for the nasotemporal axis. Most nasal retinal axons and some dorsal and ventral retinal axons invaded the tectum directly at the diencephalotectal junction, and arrived at their correct sites of innervation after running through ectopic parts of the tectum. The pathway orientation before targets is not a prerequisite factor for establishment of the orderly map of the retinotectal projection. Rather, a direct interaction between ingrowing retinal axons and tectal cells seems to be a predominant factor for specification of retinal central connections.