Immunocytochemical characterization of lung tumors in fine-needle aspiration. The use of cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies for the differential diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma

In the current study, immunocytochemical typing of intermediate filaments was used for a differential diagnosis of human lung tumors from transthoracic fine‐needle aspiration biopsies (TFNAB). The authors have compared the cytologic diagnosis of 53 lung cancer cases with the immunofluorescence patterns obtained using a panel of monoclonal antibodies, five of which (KG 8.13, KM 4.62, Ks B.17, KS 8.12, KK 8.60) react with specific cytokeratin polypeptides and one with vimentin (VIM 13.2). Only in six of 23 samples cytologically diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma did the immunocytochemical typing of cytokeratins (ICTC) confirm the cytologic diagnosis. In seven cases some of the tumor cells stained positively with antibody Ks B.17 specific for simple epithelial keratin (No: 18), suggesting the presence of some cells of glandular origin. In ten additional cases the ICTC was in conflict with the cytologic diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma (i.e., antibodies Ks 8.12 and KK 8.60 were negative, and antibody Ks B.17, positive) supporting a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma. In 14 of 18 cases cytologically diagnosed as adenocarcinoma, the ICTC confirmed the diagnosis whereas in four cases additional presence of some squamous cells was noticed. The ICTC labeling of cases cytologically diagnosed as undifferentiated and large cell carcinomas was similar to that of the group of adenocarcinomas. Thus, the application of cytokeratin typing for TFNAB samples seems to provide a vital complementation to routine cytologic study, especially for cases cytologically diagnosed as squamous carcinoma.