This is a detailed study of a Hausa village in Zaria Province which presents typical features of the whole province with its low-medium population densities, contrasting with the high density areas of Kano, Sokoto and Katsina Provinces farther north. Five categories of land use are discussed: (1) land under cultivation; (2) (3) (4) follow land classified according to recency of cultivation, (5) river flood plain. Cultivated land lies within a radius of 1 mile to 1.5 miles outside the village. Three broadly concentric circles of cultivation, (1) close to the walls 0.5-0.75 miles wide, a land continuously cropped whose fertility is maintained by manure from horses, donkeys, sheep, goats of the village and cattle brought in after the harvest, (2) a strip 0.5-1 mile wide, a system of 3-or 4-year rotation, (3) a zone within 2 or 3 miles of village of dense bush growth farmed by outlying hamlets. Within the village, land is heavily manured; trees have been removed from along the stream to destroy climatic conditions favorable to breeding the tsetse fly. Guinea corn and cotton are the major food and cash crops. Crops grown on a 3-or 4-year rotation plan are cotton, guinea corn, cotton (or ground nuts), guinea corn. Tobacco, of increasing importance, is never a rotation crop, but is raised on heavily manured fields, or, during the dry season, on lands flooded during the rainy season. Sugar cane, first, native cane for chewing only, but recently brown-sugar cane from the West Indies, is important. However, its expansion is limited by (1) a shortage of horses to work the crushers in this tsetse-infested area, (2) firewood for boiling the juice, (3) the presence of pests (white ants and stem borers) and fungus disease (red rot), (4) low prices paid the grower, (5) shortage of labor at particular periods of the season.