A Study of the Impact of Arabic Coffee Consumption on Serum Cholesterol

Consumption of Arabic coffee is commonly practised by Saudi citizens. The present study was conducted to explore the possible relationship between the serum total cholesterol levels and the intake of Arabic coffee. A total of 252 adult Saudi individuals were recruited, of whom 143 were coffee drinkers and 109 did not drink coffee. The study showed that in comparison to the non-coffee drinkers the serum total cholesterol concentration was significantly higher among the coffee drinkers. Furthermore, the level was higher among females than males who were coffee drinkers. The effect of the duration of coffee consumption on the serum total was significant for both sexes (P < 0.001). It is suggested that further studies should be generated in order to address questions related to the issues discussed. At the present time a reduction in coffee consumption by those groups found to be more liable to adverse influence on their serum total cholesterol levels to have a positive influence should be considered.